Thursday, February 6, 2020

Twelve bacon pictures Thursday!

Welcome back, folks. Today is twelve bacon pictures Thursday! On the 6th of February 2020, David Beckham sent to me twelve bacon 🥓 pictures and a restraining order. Hello, folks, how are you today? Happy Thursday! One more day till FryYay! What's up, people? Hope you all had a great day, What did you guys have for breakfast? For, breakfast I enjoyed some nice scrambled eggs.  When I finished up my morning routine, I headed downstairs to wait for my life skills coach to pick me up. When my life skills coach picked me up we headed out to EBL. We got to EBL with enough time to spare!! When my acedamic coach arrived, we began our session.  First, we reviewed my homework. After, reviewing my homework I did some boring reading comprehension.  Finally, when it was lunchtime, I had some a yummy sandwich and, some gluten-free Chinese food.  To wrap our session up we worked on my Philosophy course on Coursera. Finally, when it was time to go back with my life skills coach we made a stop in Best Buy so I could use the restroom and then made our way back to Queens. When we arrived back at the house I settled in and then went to take a shower. My shower was lovely thank you for asking. After, my shower my coach and I worked in my room for a little while.  When we were finished in my room we worked in the kitchen, we boiled some eggs for egg salad. While the eggs were boiling, my coach and I chatted came up with the schedule for our next session, and I prepared some of the things that would go into the egg salad.  We didn't have much time before my coach left after making the egg salad so I just cleaned up. Today, I didn't have dinner.  When my coach left I began on my EBL homework, it wasn't that bad.  When I was finally finished with my homework, I doled out my medication for the next day. Overall, folks, today was a fabulous day!Tìoraidh, a dhaoine, na dìochuimhnich fonnadh a-steach amàireach airson Blog iongantach eile an latha Ari Tizer! (In Scots Gaelic).
I'm drooling. Someone go buy me some bacon ASAP!
Yes Girl get it!

Gimme that bacon!
<3 I love you. 
United States of Bacon.
We're bacoing it up Ari Tizer's way.
B is for Bacon that's good enough for me!
Eat that bacon.
Yeah Buddy More Bacon 🥓 

I heart Bacon.
Bacon Roses anyone?
Mmm Bacon. 😃

Why David? Why did it have to end like this? We loved each other so much.
I love you. 👨‍🍳🙏✌💕❤😽😻💋

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