Tuesday, February 25, 2020

っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ On the 25th of February 2020, Tina Fey sent to me ten pictures of hotdogs and a picture of a tamale Tuesday. ♥


Yas Tina, get it.

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I hope you all had a fantastic Tuesday! Today, to begin my day Chinese food for breakfast and it was wonderful! My morning routine when extremely smoothly, I was even able to throw out my medication for the next day, complete my chore, and lay out my clothes for the next day. When I was finally done with my morning routine, I headed downstairs and, waited for my coach. When my codes finally arrived, we made our way to the Big Apple. When we arrived at EBL, I had my coat sign something I needed her to sign and then she headed out.  luckily for me, I had some spare time before my academic coach arrived. who
When it was time to begin my session,   we begin by reviewing my expenses, after reviewing my expenses reviewed my homework. When we were done reviewing my homework, I worked on some math the math today wasn't that bad. When math time was over, we discussed my homework for tonight, after discussing my homework for this evening.    after discussing my homework for this evening, it was lunchtime. For lunch today I enjoyed some nice Chinese food. After lunch to wrap up our session, I worked on some reading comprehension. when it was time to go, I met up with my life skills coach and we headed back to Queens. When we, arrived at my house I put my stuff down and then went and took a nice shower. After my shower, my coach and I   worked on some goals. When   it was time for my coach to leave, I began on my, 
Academic homework. today for dinner my mom my sister and I enjoy some enjoyed some nice food from Bareburger. Overall friends it was a fabulous day don't forget to tune in tomorrow. don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing Ari   Tizer blog of the day!

That's one big hot dog. 🌭 
aw yum
Wow bringing out the big dog. 

Someone get me a hotdog 
Tamale anyone?

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