Sunday, February 16, 2020

On the 16th of February 2020 John Stamos sent to me six pictures of Spanakopita and a picture of fried calamari Sunday.

Hello, John, you're looking fine as ever ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
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Yum. ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿ’–

I love you  Spanakopita and if it's quite alright I love you Spanakopita!

Image result for spanakopita
Get in my belly!

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Yass ๐Ÿฆ ๐Ÿ‚
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<3 I'd love to eat you right now! 

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Fried Calamari anyone?
Would anyone like pizza? I only charge $35.00 a slice on  Sundays. 
Hello friends how are you? What's popping? (In Minion) (Bello yambrr amee nama to? Whaaat?'s popping?)

Image result for golden girls forever
I love you Golden Girls :) 
Yum :)

(In German) Hallo Leute, willkommen zurรผck zu einer weiteren Ausgabe des erstaunlichen Ari Tizer-Blogs! Ich werde dein Gastgeber Ari Tizer sein! Heute ist am 16. February 2020. John Stamos hat mir sechs Bilder von Spanakopita und ein Bild von gebratenem Calamari-Sonntag geschickt. Hope you all had an amazing weekend! This weekend was awesome I got to hang out with my girl and,  binge watch The Golden Girls it was absolutely fabulous. What did you guys do this weekend? Today to begin my day I enjoyed some nice decaffeinated Irish breakfast tea and some nice chocolate chips, and a yummy treat my mom brought home for me it was fabulous! I also had a dance party to begin my day today I was blasting some amazing music dancing on our dining room table it was fabulous! After I had my nice cuppa, and my amazing dance party I doled out my medication for the day. After doling out my medication, I took a nice shower.  Today, I did not have breakfast or lunch but I did snack. :) Today was another day where  I binge-watched The Golden Girls, those ladies let me tell you they are absolutely hilarious! As a before dinner appetizer, I enjoyed a sandwich on gluten-free bread with Organic Blueberry Preserves.  For dinner tonight, my mom made a meat sauce with red lentil pasta it was fabulous! :) After dinner, I doled out my medication for the upcoming week.  When I was finished with doling out my medication I  enjoyed some of the nice treat that my mom bought me, I also shared my treat with my beautiful mom :).Overall, friends, today was a nice relaxing day at home, don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another awesome Ari  Tizer blog! Also don't forget folks Golden Girls today Golden Girls tomorrow Golden Girls forever!

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