Sunday, February 2, 2020

Mr.Sandman Sunday

Mr.Sandman!!, mvsrz, Ohwwf Zbukhf, ovwl fvb hss ohk hu hthgpun dllrluk! Avkhf pz Ty. Zhukthu Zbukhf!Hi, folks, Happy Sunday, hope you all had an amazing weekend! Today is Mr. Sandman Sunday! (In Cesar chiper) For breakfast today, I had some delicious, gluten-free Chinese Food with a nice cup of decaffeinated Irish Breakfast tea it was lovely. After breakfast, I completed my chore I took a nice shower. For a yummy ๐Ÿ˜‹snack, I had some delicious Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips. For a late lunch, I had some yummy sausages. For, dinner, I had a yummy burger and some yummy fries it was absolutely amazing! ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ—๐Ÿฅ Of course, after dinner, I enjoyed some more Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips.
 Today, I also got to hang out with my girl ๐Ÿ’ƒNorma! It was absolutely amazing! ๐Ÿง˜‍♀️ Overall, peeps,  my day was amazing hope you all had an amazing weekend and a great Sunday! IJ4WKLDGN5WGW4ZMEBUG64DFEB4W65JAMFWGYIDIMFSCAYLOEBQW2YL2NFXGOIDEMF4SAYLOMQQHOZLFNNSW4ZBMEBSG63RHOQQGM33SM5SXIIDUN4QHI5LOMUQGS3RAORXW233SOJXXOIDGN5ZCAYLON52GQZLSEBQW2YL2NFXGOICBOJUSAVDJPJSXEICCNRXWOII= (Bye, folks, hope you all had an amazing day and weekend, don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another amazing Ari Tizer Blog!) (In Base32)_Z_OEOSO_ULH__ANSD_DAAZGOTOETTENORWOATRMI_IIRL!
Hahaaaa (cackling like a witch)

Shake Shake Fries anyone?

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