Monday, January 13, 2020

Marvelous Monday's

buna folks! (hello in Romanian) Hope you all had a wonderful,relaxing, and fun weekend! Happy Monday hope you guys had a great Monday! 
 Unfrountley  for me, my morning routine was  rushed, my sister had to bring me a water bottle so I could eat breakfast and take my meds in Access A Ride. Today I had my wonderful session with my academic coach once again. Later on when my vocational coach  picked me up we took the train to Lexington Avenue 59th street. Then hopped on the R train, at Queens Plaza we transferred then took the  E and took it to Forest Hills  71 ave station and then took the local one stop back. Then after Naiko and I got off the train we headed to Starbucks then headed home.  Upon arriving home Christina was waiting for us. We had a long day of cleaning ahead of us. The cleaning went pretty darn well we played some nice jams, and it went really well.  Then after my providers were finished for the day I took a nice well deserved shower, after my shower I doled out my meds for the following day. The last thing on my agenda was completing my EBL homework. I had to write about Armani it was not easy. Soon after, my hard work was complete dinner was ordered  Soy Sauce a Glatt Kosher chinese restaurant. The food was pretty good. Overall my day was pretty darn good :)   Oh yeah I get my amazing academic coach's book tomorrow I'm pretty darn excited!bye folks gobeithio eich bod i gyd wedi cael dydd Llun gwych
peidiwch ag anghofio tiwnio i mewn yfory am flog anhygoel arall! bye folks hope you all had a great Monday 
don't forget to  tune in tomorrow for another awesome blog!

What do you call a fake noodle?

An impasta.

What did the pecan say to the walnut?

We’re friends because we’re both nuts.

Wanna hear a joke about pizza?

Never mind it’s too cheesy.

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