Saturday, January 18, 2020

Living it up Saturday! #justdoit #Nike

Just Do It! :) 

Lean and dab :) 
Hakuna Matata Hakuna Matata it means no worries for the rest of your days it's our problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata it means no worries for the rest of your days! 
 Okay, folks, I hope you all had a great FryYay! yesterday!  Today is living it up Saturday! Today, live your life to the fullest! Do you want to go bungee jumping? Would you like to go Skinny Dipping?  As Nike ✔️ would say "Just do it"! πŸ™.  Would you like 😍 to eat some scrumptious food? #just do it Today was another lovely day! Once again I walk up feeling great full of life,  I danced, I sang, I jammed out it was great! Also to begin my day doled out my meds, and took a nice shower.  I'm so happy that I'm healing  I feel so good. As a pre-breakfast appetizer, I had some yummy chocolate chips, with some yummy chocolate hemp milk it was brilliant. (excellent or wonderful (in British Slang) For breakfast I had some nice scrambled eggs, thank you Bunny! I don't remember having lunch. I guess you can call it an early dinner I had some nice gluten-free Chinese food. It was delish. Today was an overall lazy day for me. On snowy days what do you guys enjoy doing? I remember when I went to boarding school and the weather was really bad some of the AM staff would sleepover. Overall snow is great as long as I'm not caught in it. :) What do you drink with the Queen of England? Royal-Tea. What's your favorite snowy day memory, it can be from when you where a child or it can be from your adult years that's if your an adult :) <3. Why did the teapot get in trouble? Because he was Naught-Tea. Always remember folks NDCQ-- Not Dead Can't Quit. Vale folks-- goodbye in Latin) don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another awesome Ari Tizer Blog!  

so yummy :) 
So true. 

YOLO! Unless you a zombie :) 
Living in a winter wonderland!

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