Thursday, July 23, 2020

On the 23rd of July, Taye Diggs sent to me two pictures of Skúffukaka and a picture of a Labrador Retriever Thursday.

Taye Diggs Facts: Celebrities Who Started on Soaps

Howdy friends and happy Thursday! One more day till FryYay!! I hope you guys had a fantastic day 🎉! Today is, on the the 23rd of July, Taye Diggs sent to me two pictures of Skúffukaka and a picture of a Labrador Retriever Thursday.   Today, I woke up early, but not too early.  Upon waking up, I relaxed in bed, and posted my daily posts on Facebook. When I was done relaxing in bed, I relaxed some more on the couch and then enjoyed a nice brunch. For brunch I enjoyed Wasa crackers with apple butter and  raisins, a cup of coffee, a cup of coconut milk that I heated up in the microwave, and scrambled eggs. I know I had a feast! Not  too long after brunch, I took part in an online social with Felicity House! I had a blast it was really nice to connect with others! After the event, I took a nice shower and then had a virtual medical appointment. Today, I started a new show on Prime Video called Ambulance. It's a show about the ambulance service in the UK, it's interesting. I highly recommend it. Finally, it was that time again food time! Tonight for dinner,  I enjoyed a nice Chinese food dinner! Overall, my wonderful friends it was a great day in  my book! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another fabulous Ari Tizer blog of the day! Lot's of love Ari Tizer xx ❤️😘💜 xx!